Collection: Womb Health

The yoni steam and tea herbal blend were made by Marquitta Asè the creator of Asè Journey. Marquitta Asè is a visionary, healer, artist, and self taught herbalist with the determination to heal herself and her family through plant medicine. She was inspired to create the yoni steam and tea herbal blend because of the issues she endured with her menstrual cycle and frequent hormonal imbalances. She expressed her issues amongst other women/Goddesses and found out that it is a common problem and the solution can simply be yoni steaming and teaing the correct herbs properly and responsibly. Yoni steaming with teaing herbs helped her heal extreme menstrual pain, heavy flow, hormonal imbalances, and irregular cycles. She aspires to help women/Goddesses with the same issues and/or any issues concerning the womb and feminine hormonal imbalances. As Goddesses we must care and love on our wombs, we have the power to heal through plant medicine. We must not forget to take into consideration the food we eat because they can also cause issues within the womb. Avoiding dairy, caffeine, and white sugar/including large sugar consumption is recommended for optimal results. The womb is associated with the Sacral Chakra which is also called Swadhisthana - meaning the home of ones sweetness. When this chakra is unbalanced you may even experience fear, depression, insecurity, emotional instability, and reproductive issues. Us Goddesses healing our wombs from within is important and necessary on so many levels.

We do have the power to change our health and our narrative. - Marquitta Asè